Monday, December 14, 2009

keCut pErut


-sbb broadband amatla lembab
-netbook toshiba akak aku ni pn..ish2..lambat jgk. kalo laptop aku x rosak..takde makna nk gune netbook2 nih.
- panas..ya Allah panas gile..kat kl pn panas..kat kedah pn dah namenye Malaysia kan..mmgla panas. nk sejuk2 pegila Europe kalo byk sgt duittt awk tu syarifah ooi..

tu jer..selain 3 bende nie aku hepy. hepy sgtttt coti kali ni! walaupun hanya melepak tgk muvie ngn mak n me n abah main guitar hero.hehhehehee. k.ijan beli..membazir tol die tuh.

tomorrow maybe blk kg abah kat perlis. agk2 da 4 thn aku x blk.=p lagipon tok pn dah tadak kan. blk pn jmpa ami(uncle) ngn nda(auntie) ja la.

"pesta penang". tau? skang ni ngah pesta penang. so last saturday nite tu aku pi lepak kt situ ngn kawan2. pergh..from kepala batas nk pi penang tu jamm la kt bridge tu..ishh..x ska toi la.
so agk2 2 jam jgk r br smpai. msk pesata cm besala ramaila org dok jual2 yg penting me n sopia nak men kt funfair tuh. kami pn pi la..member sorg suggest men vortex..aku tgk pn da nk termuntah pn. jd kami tukaq la men challanger..agk challenging jgk rr..sama mcm kat time square tp da agk lama jgkla x men benda2 pusing2 lambung2 nih.

turun ja dr benda tuh..perghh..perut aku sakit gila. nih la sbb title tu 'kecut perut' x tipu weh..aku rasa usus aku shrinking..maybe sbb aku jerit byk sgt kot kt atas tu. so aku pn pi beli air mineral hoping dat usus aku kembang blk...huuu..dlm half hour cmtu baru ok..dhla before nek tu aku mkn kebab..sian perut aku..
aku decide xmau nek dah benda2 tuh. nnti2la nek ngn suami aku.
suami? woot.. makcik2+mak aku sibukla dok tanya sapa boypren?
mana aku ada boypren jd aku x ckp la sapa2. tp besala..sapa pn xmau pecaya kt aku nih.
muka playgirl ka aku ni?
xdak ciri2 lgsg.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Majalah i

here m suggesting an islamic malay magazine. besides al-islam which i tink the content is a lil bit heavy,
majalah i is simpler n easier to digest.

bolela if boring2's good to feed ur soul n improve ur knowledge...n also enhance ur IMAn insyaAllah.
definitely wayy better than reading entertainment magazine kan.huhu

'i' stands for


for those yang susah sgt nk baca buku2 islamik yg tebal2 tu kan..majalah i is a good start.


if any of the content is not parallel wit ur understanding it's better to do some research n ask ustaz ke ustazah ke..cek buku ke..internet ke. jgn telan je semua ye.
m not saying that the information is not reliable tp
ape2 pon yg kita baca, daripada siapa pn kita belajar,
kite kene byk berfikir, belajar dari byk2 org lagi, terutama isu2 fikah kan..

Selamat Membaca!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kurang bersederhana?!

Selama 3 tahun di Miri.
Aku tak sangka..aku telah mengumpul berpuluh2 helai tudungs dan kasuts..
Tapi aku x pakai sgt pun semua tu.
Aku sgt stress semasa mengemas hari tu.
Aku juga kecewa dgn diri sendiri.
Malam itu..seorang sahabat datang menolong aku memindahkan barang.
Dia kelihatan terkejut juga dgn barang2 aku yg banyak itu.
Dan dengan mudah dia berkata..’ syarifah ni x bersederhana lah’
Aku terpana. Memang benar statement itu. Aku pun baru sedar petang td.
Bagi aku..ramai lagi org lain yg lebih x bersederhana berbanding aku.
Tapi, lepas dilontarkan kata2 itu...mind set aku terus berubah.
Kenapa nak banding dgn org yg lebih x bersederhana..
Bandingkan lah dengan org yg lebih bersederhana..
Bukankah lebih baik begitu?
Oleh itu..syarifah, tolonglah bersederhana. Membeli mengikut keperluan bukan kehendak.
Bukankah Islam itu menganjurkan kesederhanaan??

Aku sangat kagum dengan org yg melihat poster2 ‘SALE!!!’ dgn hati yg tenang..hormon oxytocin nya tidak melonjak2 seperti org2 yg kurang bersederhana ini. Aku berazam menjadi org seperti itu.


'Allah is aware of human weaknesses and is forgiving; so come back.. Come back even if you have broken your repentance a thousand times..'

Monday, November 9, 2009

syUrga Allah bukan murah.

Banyak bende yang kite x suke.
tapi kite kene terime kan?

sebab hidup kite ni. bukan utk kite.
tp utk menjalankan setiap tanggungjawab kite sbg manusia.
manusia muslim terutamanya.
lebih utama sebagai manusia mukmin.

kadang2 kite rase kitela yang plg byk berkorban.
tlg kemas rumahla..buang sampah la..sapu lantai...cuci toilet.
kite xtau pon
yg org lain pn bwat bende yg same
bile kite takde.
n diorg pon rase bende yg same cm kite

kadang2 kite rase kitela yg plg byk mengalah.
terime je ape org kutuk
org yg kutuk kite tu plk takde perasaan lgsg.
bajet cool kot.
tp rupenye..
..kdg2 kite terkutuk mengata or melukakan hati org lain
tanpa kite sedar

kadang2 kite x suke surrounding kite
yg x sesuai ngn pemahaman n fitrah kite
tapi..kite xbleh samekan diri kite ngn org lain
n setiap org ade hak menjalani hidup mngikut cita rasa masing2
walaupun 'citarasa' itu jelas keharamannya.


jelas. pulanglah kpd akidah yg benar.
perbetulkan akhlak.
terima qada n qadar.
jgn serik utk berusaha.
jgn lari dari masalah.
cari penyelesaian.
secara hikmah.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bersikaplah dgn sebaik-baiknya

Bersikaplah dgn ibu bapa dgn cara yg terbaik walaupun ibubapa tak semestinya betul. Sebagai seorang mukmin, salah satu tujuan hidup kita ialah memakmurkan bumi bukan? Maka bersikaplah dgn bijaksana.

Hablum minallah (hubungan dengan Allah) danHablum minannas(hubungan dengan manusia).

Andaikata hubungan kita dgn manusia kurang betul...maka analisalah hubungan kita dgn Allah swt. Bukan shj ibubapa malah sekalian manusia.

Mungkin ada benci. jgn lupa pada janji.
redha Allah itu terletak pada redha ibubapa.
jadi..silalah berhati-hati.

Ingatlah Kepada Ibumu

Orang kata aku lahir dari perut ibu..
Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku.. ibu
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku..ibu
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku.. ibu
Kata ibu, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut.. Bu!
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari.. ibu
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang ..ibu
Bila nak bermanja… aku dekati ibu
Bila nak bergesel… aku duduk sebelah ibu
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya ibu
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku… ibu
Bila merajuk… yang memujukku cuma..ibu
Bila melakukan kesalahan… yang paling cepat
Bila takut… yang tenangkan aku.. ibu
Bila nak peluk… yang aku suka peluk..ibu

Aku selalu teringatkan ..Ibu
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon… Ibu
Bila seronok… orang pertama aku nak beritahu… Ibu
Bila bengang.. aku suka luah pada ..Ibu
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil.. “ibuuuuuuuuuuuuu! “
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah ..Ibu
Bila nak exam, orang palin g sibuk juga Ibu
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu..Ibu
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau.. Ibu
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. Ibu
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku. . Ibu
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku, Ibu
Yang selalu berleter kat aku.. Ibu
Yang selalu puji aku.. Ibu
Yang selalu nasihat aku.. Ibu
Bila nak kahwin..
Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk… Ibu

Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri
Bila seronok… aku cari pasanganku
Bila sedih… aku cari Ibu
Bila berjaya… aku ceritakan pada pasanganku
Bila gagal… aku ceritakan pada Ibu
Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat pasanganku
Bila berduka, aku peluk erat Ibuku
Bila nak bercuti… aku bawa pasanganku
Bila sibuk… aku hantar anak ke rumah Ibu
Bila sambut anniversary… Aku hadiahi bunga pada
Bila sambut hari ibu… aku cuma dapat ucapkan Selamat
Hari Ibu
Selalu… aku ingat pasanganku
Selalu… Ibu ingat kat aku
Bila..bila… aku akan talipon pasanganku
Entah bila.. aku nak talipon Ibu
Selalu… aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
Entah bila…. aku nak belikan hadiah untuk Ibuku

-bukan sajak aku keyh-

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 with firmware v0.1

status: syarifah sedang mengusha camera yg bgs. urgent gile nie..kalo xde.. xleh bwat FYP.

sape nk kasi????

khass utk kakak2 ain..yg sdg membaca blog ini. maseh.=p

Saturday, October 24, 2009

fOrgIve n fOrget

Our sense of fairness tells us people should pay for the wrong they do. But forgiving is
love's power to break nature's rule.


Dari Abi Hamzah Anas bin Malik
ra. pelayan Rasulullah saw dari Nabi saw telah berkata: "Tidak sempurna iman
seseorang diantaramu hingga dia mencintai saudaranya seperti ia mencintai dirinya
(Bukhari - Muslim)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

mengutamakan keutamaan

sedang membaca buku..bertajuk.

' dealing with people you cannot stand'

how to bring out the best in people at their worst?

huuhu..harap2 membantu aku dlm memahami berbagai jenis manusia kt muka bumi nih. kite xleh nk ubah org kite bley ubah persepsi kite towards org tuu.kan kan.

final x lama lg..x smpai sebulan lg tp kerja still berlambak2. mcm biase la..geology course kt cni mmg mcm tu...semua nk longgok kt ujung sem.

-final paractical exam for: igneous, metamorphic and geochemistry.
-digitize map, field trip report, n cross section.
-practical labs yg blom siap: GIS, metamorphic, geochemistry
-geophysics?nk stdy cmne nie
-remote sensing assignment..the one ive to build my eyes to 'see' a 2d image as 3d.

past year pn x bwat lg.

hm..selain itu..ade perubahan persepsi ttg..

maaflah kamu kamu.. aku dah malas. sekian.

mari mengutamakan keutamaan.

Friday, October 2, 2009

rIndu lagi?

rindu da terubat lps..makan makanan jiwa kt taklim smlm.
alhamdulillah. dun noe how, suddenly all my probs gone~
x solve pon..but it's gone!!
memikirkan masalah hati n perasaan yg x menambahkan iman..baik aku bace quran..kan?

bagi yg ditimpa ujian..jgnlah bersedih hati...

Kita sentiasa layak diuji…

Kerana kita adalah HAMBA.

...more on Saifulislam

lakukanlah sesuatu kerana Allah..dan tinggalkanlah sesuatu kerana Allah...

" Dan kehidupan ini hanyalah permainan dan senda gurau. Sedangkan akhirat itu, sungguh lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. Tidakkah kamu mengerti?"-[6.32]

btw..tahniah untuk diri seniri sbb xdpt bwat geochemistry test hati ini gembire je...=p


bwat k.teh..smpaikn salam rindu kt due org budak ini:

kepada semua anak2 sedareku..maksu ain winduuu..mcmla dorg bace blog aku..:(

Monday, September 28, 2009

aKu riNdu.

Cahaya hati by Opick

Allah engkau dekat
Penuh kasih sayang
Takkan pernah engkau
Biarkan hamba Mu menangis
Karna kemurahan Mu
Karna kasih sayang Mu
Hanya bila diri Mu
Ingin nyatakan cinta
Pada jiwa jiwa yang rela
Dia kekasih Mu
Kau yang selalu terjaga
Yang memberi segala
Allah Rohman Allah Rohim
Allahu Ya Ghofar Ya Nurul Qolbi
Allah Rohman Allah Rohim
Allahu Ya Ghofar Ya Nurul Qolbi
Di setiap nafas di segala waktu
Semua bersujud memuji memuja asthma Mu
Kau yang selalu terjaga
Yang memberi segala
Setiap makhluk bergantung padaMu
Dan bersujud semesta untuk Mu
Setiap wajah mendamba cinta Mu cahaya Mu


Surah Al Fajr (89:15,16)

But the human, when his Lord tries him by
honouring him and blessing him, says, 'My Lord
has honoured me.' Maka adapun manusia, pabila Tuhan mengujinya lalu memuliakannya dan memberinya kesenangan, maka dia berkata, "Tuhanku telah memuliakanku."(15)

But when He tries him by limiting his
provision, he says 'My Lord scorns me.' Namun apabila Tuhan mengujinya lalu membatasi rezekinya, maka dia berkata, " Tuhanku telah menghinaku."(16)

‘The human’ in this verse means he who is not guided by the light of faith. When he is tested
with the lightest of tests, still he fails his test. Allah gives him a noble, honourable position along
with plentiful abundance, so as to test him and see whether he lives up to the responsibilities of
wealth and position or not. But he exhilarates at it and considers it a fitting reward for himself,
and that he deserves what has been given to him. He becomes conceited and considers that God
has chosen him for such blessings, losing sight of the fact that they are a test for him.

When Allah, glory be to Him, tests him with poverty and hardship and straitens his provision, the
human takes it amiss and imagines that Allah is slighting him, and does not perceive it as a test.
This is in contrast to the believer, who sees every condition that comes to him as a trial and a
test; he fears wealth and plenty as it may cause him to be disobedient and not be thankful, while
he is not saddened by poverty for he counts it as a test that will, if he is patient and steadfast,
raise his station.


Friday, September 25, 2009

2nd year 2nd sem Kuching fieldtrip


1st day: raya around Kuching. shopping @ the spring. got my charles n keith heels!

2nd day: start field trip. kayan sandstone. 2 outcrops covered.rilex jerk. @ night lepak dlm bilik.

3rd day: mapping. gila panas. start @ Kg pichin towards terbedu. only 2km but i collapse. baring on the side of the highway..

4th day: visit Jabatan Mineral n Geologi Sarawak. went to observe Bau limestone @ Fairy cave..very nice view. covered 4 area. Gunung Sibanyis & Batu Kitang (tonalite,volcanic rock), Tasik Biru (previously was a gold mine, limestone), and Fairy cave.

5th day: continue mapping @ serian volcanic n Kedadom formation towards terbedu. oh..before that we went to terbedu (border indonesia) 1 outcrop there..turbidite sequence observed. not so hot..lucky!..unluckily..i lost my shades..terjatuh kot..=(

6th day: continue mapping..pedawan formation. until late waterfall.=(

7th day: submit field trip notebook, map, n sketches. shopping @ serikin n the spring. puas ati.=p

8th day: go back miri @ 8. got class @ 11...xnk pegi..=p

A big thanks to dear grupmates: Ming Yi, Mau, Chek Lee and Kenx.
It was fun working with u guys!!

this field trip is much more relaxing compared to last's more like a study+shopping trip for me.

Thnk you Allah for everything.

Friday, September 11, 2009

just 1 minute.

pencapaian terbaru!!

minum susu tym sahur td..sukses. since primary skol lg x minum susu..skrg baru nk try..nnti osteoporosis cmne nk carry baby tol x?!

*****assignment n test tanpa henti********************************

may Allah gv me the bless of tym.amin.

ramadhan da nk abis......=[

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

photo speaks louder than words..=p

Pics of Geo Day..Field trip and Core Logging.

Monday, August 24, 2009

patience has NO limit

"Patience is a virtue because it makes us better people. The definition of the word is to tolerate delay. This implies self control and forbearance as opposed to wanting what we want when we want it. How many times have we jumped the gun and found out it would have been better to tolerate delay or had self control? What did we miss out on? Did we hurt someone we love because of lack of patience? Having patience will heal the wounds and it will work itself out fine. Patience is not only a virtue but a necessity for a happy existence."

Monday, August 17, 2009

futsal no more.=[

[gambar adalah sekadar hiasan]

2nd sem in 2nd year is not as hectic as the 1st sem. i feel less tired..n hopefully i can really perform well for this coming ramadhan. =]

tomorrow nite will b futsal comp held by city club as usual..this will b the 1st tym m not joining. m kind of sad. but i really hv to prioritize my things. 1st things 1st...ive been playing since my first sem, august 2006..n so many bittersweet memories along hte journey..huhu. as tym goes by.. i just realize that i hv to move on.. i can't stay n keep the commitment... i just cnt help to miss the thursday taklim plus i got geophysics presentation on friday. anyway i cn still play the other no worries.

m not goin back for raya this year. that's so sad ok...but m quite excited..1st tym raya wit frens.huhu. mm...pity my mum..she surely miss me this raya. wut to do.. it's the mapping unit requirement..n there's no other time to do the field trip. so hepy today..heee..for wut reason?? secret. sowi.

m also not hepy today...huu..for a secret reason as well.haih.. wut's the purpose of telling if it's secret ayte..=p

either sadness..or happiness...both are the tests from Allah swt. handle with care. follow the right path n insyaAllah everything will be just fine.

a reminder again..ramadhan is coming! good luck dear brothers n sisters. lets polish our iman!

Friday, August 7, 2009

let's get it started!

ok..just wanna update myself. huhu. i hv no tym to organize my notes..coz i prefer to waste my time blogging..hmm..key la..just wanna tell what m up to this few weeks...

1. went to sarawak shell berhad..did core logging at the core gilak k. eventho so tired standing n doing rock description the whole day..i enjoy it so much. i'll put some pics soon.

2. tonite: geology club potluck. i made tomyam..guess wut? x abis! oh so sad..but it's just tomyam n very easy..i just use instant paste.but at last abisla..gv some to some frenss.

3. tomorrow: sports day Curtin Islamic Society..yey! play again. goodluck to my team. we surely win la..=p. then ada bbq at nite. makan lagi...

4. sunday: away the whole day.nite got Curtin Village family day..huhu.makan laagi..

5. involve in Geology Day in do the structural model for sarawak borneo..miri formation..resevoir..bla3..need to do some reading..

6. Ansara Miri dinner..15 august maybe at Eastwood.

7. Girls talk prep: friday..topic: friendship.

and lotss of assignment to b done!


tag by asha

Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award


* she's married
* she's genius!
* she used to sleep, dance n sepahkan my room
* she just lost her baby oshi.sory to hear that asha.
* she's different nowadays...surely for the better..n i still love her anyway.

Nyatakan 5 fakta diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya.

* i m a boring person
* er..i want a baby right now
* i love to pamper my frens..
* i prefer observing than talking..
* im looking forward something new in life.

Nyatakan 5 hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih

penerima award seterusnya.

* stay at home. if go out..i love kacau ppl.
* cooking & cleaning the boring kn me?
* sleeping. better if got other ppl around me..i feel i dunno y i choose single room rite now.
* shopping. preferably at less crowded places.
* vacation. island especially.

Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka.

* tc - a fren/hsemate/ex-skolmate of mine.pessimist-crazy-talkative type of person. she's a bully.. last word for tc..'pls behave'.huhuhu. we r so mean to each other. dun get me wrong..i love her.=p

* liyana - a beautiful cousin of mine. eldest sister in the siblings n the most sensitive one.she's like a younger sister for me..tho she's way taller than me.

* dhanie - also my cousin. the cutest among us. very concern about beauty! she makes me laugh all the tym.

* naddiea - the 3rd sister of mine. a mama of two boys. a lecturer. loves blogging..n so caring about me.=p

* sofea - my pretty hsemate. she always got stories to tell me. she loves to laugh..n also lyk to kacau me.oh..i tink she's the only girl yg addicted to dota.

i also wanna tag, liyana n mirah. but asha already tag them.hehehhe.k..dats all.thnx asha for tagging!kind of fun doing this.=p


Al-quran itu..


A Beautiful Hadith
Hadis yang Menarik

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'When a man dies and his
relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by
his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the
shroud and the chest of the deceased.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda : 'Bila seseorang lelaki
itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya, berdiri lelaki yang
betul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki itu
berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.

Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan
Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya
mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai
ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata,
Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya seorang
diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah
tugasmu. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia
dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.'

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an,
which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low
voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will
have no grief.'
Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,'Aku
adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara
yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan bimbang.
Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.'

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from
Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.
Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada
Al-Mala'ul A'laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang
dipenuhi bauan kesturi

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement,
before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the
Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :'Di hari pengadilan, di
hadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran,
mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.'

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'.
'Sampaikan pengetahuan dari ku walaupun hanya satu ayat.'

**get this email from my uncle. so..just wanna share wit others. but if got mistake anywhere in the hadith, pls do not hesistate to correct me. tq.=p

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SedIh sedIkit


sem da mule. sedey sgt msk klas lmbt sikit td rs mcm left out. tp x pun sbnrnye.. my speed same jer dgn org lain.=]

sdeyh jgk arini x dpt puase..sbb nk mkn ubat resdung td x thn mate berair n tapela esk kamis..bole puase lg.

sdeyh jgk semlm xtau nape.=[

huuuu..xkn omsick kot. xdela kronik smpai nk nangis.
mungkin..hormon lmbt lg rasenye.

pening cari sbb nape mood x se-happy yg sepatutnye. knape yerh. tp aku suke sedih2 nie sbnrnye..sbb khusyuk sket solat..kalo happy jer..tym solat pon excited je..tup2 da abes solat x sdr bape rakaat.hish..

hehe..aku suke gmbr nie.

sian die da ready nk amek gmbr tp cameraman x pro..salah fokus..maap.


td kuar jp gi celeb bday yana gk tgk org hepi2 so aku pn tibe2 hepi r.=]

to Liyana: Happy Birthday to u, may Allah swt bless u along ur life journey, may u meet a good guy to end up with(tink uve found one), may all ur dream come true, may all good things b with u. But if things dun go ur way, chill~..u always hv HIM.=] sbnrnye utk diri sniri gk r.=p

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A song for mama

Mama Do Lyrics - Pixie Lott

MySpace Playlist at

Every night I go
Every night I go sneaking out the door
I lie a little more, baby I’m helpless

There's something ‘bout the night
And the way it hides all the things I like
Little black butterflies
Deep inside me

What would my "mama do"
(oh oh oh oh)
If she knew ‘bout me and you?
(oh oh oh oh)
What would my daddy say
(oh oh oh oh)
If he saw me hurt this way?
(oh oh oh oh)

Why should I feel ashamed?
Feeling guilty at the mention of your name
Here we are again
It’s nearly perfect

What would my mama do
(oh oh oh oh)
If she knew ‘bout me and you?
(oh oh oh oh)
What would my daddy say
(oh oh oh oh)
If he saw me hurt this way?
(oh oh oh oh)

What would my mama do
What would my daddy say

All the things a girl should know
Are the things she can’t control
All the things a girl should know
she can’t control


I found this song so catchy! the lyrics mean something..
it's about ourself-parents-what we did behind them.
some parents nowadays trust their children too much or they just don't care or they r too open minded or maybe that's just their parenting style..umm...m not here to criticised any parents parenting skills..
Im just worried..observing things around me..and imagine..what will the parents feel..if they noe what the kids did behind them..
being away from parents give a lot of opportunities to do things..that u won't do in front of your parents..isnt it?

we think we won't hurt our parents by hiding things..but the reality is..we'll hurt them even more once they know.

as for me, my parents trust me 120% in most things..n m quite worried about that coz i didn't even trust myself take care of urself, as in the is never between u n anyone's only between u n Allah swt.

All the things a girl should know
Are the things she can’t control


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life Moves On

im so happy. i bought 4 books for only 1 pounds.hehehe.carboot sale of course.=]

when i got back n review all books synopsis..i realize that all books are relationship pathetic. but it's knowledge after all. i'll read them all. n im actually quite interested n understanding such topic and compare it with the islamic point of view.

after reading half of the ' why men love bitches' i can truly agree with the author as it goes in sync with the islamic principle.

but few parts of the book go separate way. huhu. whatever it is, as a muslim who learnt n understands the basic islamic principles we shud noe what to absorb n what shud not. similar goes to our daily life.. lets think of it.

btw, m not feeling well...jangkit my cousin demam..migrain n all..huuu..hopefully it's not swine flu. we're getting better. so it's a good news isnt it?heehe.

going to notts tomorrow. will b back the next day. there got graduation day..=p. act the main purpose is to help her transfer some stuff out to her new house, off campus.
daa..see ya later dear blog.=]

****Life moves on, whether we act as cowards or heroes. Life has no other discipline to impose, if we would but realize it, than to accept life unquestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy and strength, if faced with an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.(Henry Miller)****

Thursday, July 9, 2009

steal the time to blog!

my girls n me:

i tot..
being far..cud make me forget some problems..
but it doesnt.
so, the conclusion is..
u cannot run from any problem..
uve to face it.
if u cant fix it.
just let time heal it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

hiS shoEs~

HIs Shoes.

He wears a shoe and a shoe

A nice and a smelly shoe

The left side is so dreadful

The other is just oh beautiful

One leg, he keeps stepping on mud

The other always sinks in flower bud

Till here, I wonder how he does that

To have been sipping life of good and bad

When I stare, his face is just as naïve

Somehow, it's carrying a story I couldn’t dive

No, I’m pretty sure you still couldn't tell

How long has he survived in real hell

Please, don’t look on which he has failed

But pity on the harsh life he has hailed

I suppose, all you need to do is endure

And pray for him to wake up and cure

For he couldn’t nibble the shoes he dresses

It's for you and me to let him know how they taste

* copy this from a'ishah.

- hepy holiday dear frens. may this semester tot us a lot in leading us to b a better person, to have a good, great life in here n in the hereafter. chuck every woe~
see ya next semester!

Friday, June 12, 2009

How to achieve a happy life.

Im a bit bored tho i noe ive a lot to study.just gv myself a break to share good things wit other people.=]. i share this wit my usrahmate just now n i tink it's quite good n decide to post it.

1. do a work that u love. if u cannot do that, then find a hobby that u love and do it in ur spare tym and reinforce it.

2. take care of ur health for it is the spirit of happiness. this means being moderate in eating and drinking, exercising regularly and avoiding bad habits.

3. have a goal in life, for this will give u motivation and energy.

4. take life as it comes, and accept the bitter and the sweet.

5. live in present, with no regret for the past and no anxiety about tomorrow that has not come yet.

6. think hard about any action or decision, and do not blame anyone else for ur decision or its consequences.

7. look at those who are worse off than u

8. have the habit of smiling and being cheerful, and keep company with optimistic people.

9.strive to make others happy so that u may benefit from the atmosphere of happiness.

10. make the most of occasion of happiness and joy, and regard then as necessary to renew ur own happiness.

~frustation is your worst enemy , for it has the power to destroy peace of mind~

go mineralogy!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Exam moDE:

final exam start next week on Tuesday.

Tuesday: Sedimentology
Wednesday: Geophysics
Thursday: Paleontology n Structural geology

3 days gap; and then the last paper..Mineralogy.
..Mapping got no final paper..all depends on field trip assignments..

hurmm..this sem we hv only one week study week.. not like prevoius2 two weeks to prepare..

but..that's not the reason to escape.i hv to score no matter wut..alhamdulillah i pass all my practical exams..

gala nyte last monday was great..Thank u Allah..everything went smoothly tho there were so many unorganize matter backstage..

..pray me luck.!i dun want to repeat any paper...not even supplementary ..i wnt to hv a very nice holiday wit family n frens back in west msia.

n also to my frens n juniors n seniors....gud luck in final exams..!chaiyoookkkkkk.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

taKe cAre of yOur h.E.a.R.t

im in a never-ending busyy month.
however...problems still come over to 'hye' me..
well..basically my prob is just 1/3 of it..the rest r not mine..just hd sum chat n help those who need it..

i dun noe y..the atmosphere is getting depress..darker n colder..huhu..we r all bz wit prac still need tym to solve sum problems..maybe sum got internal bleeding or sumthing..i noe it we hv to b strong n move on..return to Allah swt n everything will b just fine..

care less of others..n wutever they r thinking of..the most important thing is yOu!..ignore wutever ppl talk about u..wutever assumptions they make..just noe that it's only between u n Allah swt..n only He noes wutever inside. hv sumtym to read La Tahzan
clean the soul could relief sum stress..

usually..when sumthing occured..ppl around make it worst..un-supportive frens..n those who just feel enjoy to watch fights or conflicts..
y be happy for other's unhappiness..? ur turn will come..uve to be ready for it..anytym Allah swt wants it to happen. dun be superior for own or getting the world...for all are just temporary n never last..

oh..forgot to tell about me..i got'uzon prob..always happen..but it will b gone soon..insyaAllah..
i dunno how to announce that i dun lyk if ade ppl still kaitkan me n my ex. it's over it. it's been a long tym i nvr tot of it anymore..if ppl tink i still got heart for's totally wrong. n it's so annoying if they laugh n at the same tym act like i care if they talk about the ex n the current gf..konon2nye i'll get mad or sumthing..isn't that irrational n childish? go ahead guys..i dun care...i just assume u ppl as those who don't understand..may Allah swt fix it by His will..

he has nothing for me to be respect of..from my point of view lah..from wut ive gone thru..n wutever he did that hurt me too much smpai i cn be really can i want such person? but now, ive clear all the hatred n revenge n begin to hv a new good relationship with him. i dun care about who he's with. i dun tink i hv prob with the girl either..even wit the few girlss before the current one. n i really hope that ppl in the community will gv positive support..not try to make fun n laugh for the past history n creates unhealty atmosphere in here..not everything can be a joke.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW, "Ketahuilah bahawa di dalam badan ada seketul daging, apabila ia baik, baiklah badan seluruhnya dan apabila ia rosak, rosaklah sekaliannya, ketahuilah! Itulah yang dikatakan hati." (Hadis Riwayat Al-Bukhari Muslim)

remember dengki? and this..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

it's a song..=]

Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find

Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

If there's a soulmate for everyone

Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Sunday, May 10, 2009

end sem busynesss.. sister need my it's kind of forcing me to write a new post here.mmm.ok

~ final exam is too near..practical exams n assignments are too much ryte now. i dunno when can i stdy..

~ but i still can find tym to play badminton..Sayyaf ask me to b his partner for mix double..n m quite i said yes!  we lose but not too bad lah..this is my first tournament after several years..n m very nervous.
thnx to sayyaf for being a patient coach n sory i didnt perform very well.=p

~ m trying to finish a book..title 'don't cry'.a very good book for muslim teenagers..written Fadlan Al-Ikhwani..which was a teenager when he wrote this book. it's in indonesian accent so i dun really understand the words but still cn get the point.


i follow this blog Laman Seri Maya Persada the writer provides useful thoughts n guide..muslim way of life.

lots of dramas happening around me..this tym, m not the actress.alhamdulillah.hehehheeh.

typical title for all dramas r 'love'. a very common topic for teenagers. most ppl at this age act like they r so desperately need someone as ttm(teman tp mesra) or boyfriend or girlfriend..i was one of them. but now i tink m wiser..i dun need such relationship..i dunno y..i kind of get used with my single life..but i dun even feel bored or content with many things.err..

i just wanna say's human nature to fall in's never wrong to fall in love. but islam frame love with marriage..which is the best way to enjoy the love feeling as u love because of Allah swt..not because of lust. 

it's sad to not being able to make people understand yet have the strength to think n decide. it's too sad to see someone u love practicing the wrong way..

but that's life. we can't force people to follow our way. we can only pray for the best.
mm..m tinking of writing sumthing mybe later...after submit sedi logging assignment.~

Saturday, April 25, 2009

it's over...

cant believe the field trip is over... d*mn hectic week.
but tot me a lot of self discipline.
sleep early, wake up early, nvr forget mathurat, jemaah n discussion.dear lecturers were great..but sumtyms it's so confusing when they keep on arguing..huhh..
mm..thnx to my dear -one week- rumate: mirah, yana, jay, tc, and asha. unluckily..we hv no time to pillow talk. hehe.

came back yesterday..miss my bed so much.!huhu
reviewing the field trip..i gain lots of least, now m kind of good in measuring the strike n dip, a fundamental basic theory i just know after 1 n half year of learning.grrr.

the whole week was not really good..but not really bad. it's just..OK. the hecticness was worst than OBS, for me. i also learn to work in grup of people im not really close with..which is get to know new frens.=]. n cope with a kind of person which is too complicated, sometimes selfish n weird... which sometimes the annoyingness is unbearable..but for the sake of my study, i really hv to be patient n keep on muuuving.! a big thnx to shahul, he worked hard for this group,n sorry for not being really helpful at field..=[

the weather was so hotttt!walking thru the jungle with mud n taik kelawar was better than walking along the roadside..full of nice outcrops but dehydrate me like crazy.lucky me..i didnt get migrain..just hd minor headache due to too longest walking distance is 10 km..2nd niah cave.but it's even worst working in 5th day outcrop tepi kubur.Lambir-road even tho it's only few kms from the chalet...coz it's hot like he**.

after all...everything was just fine. thank u Allah..for giving such bless along the field trip period.!

btw..i tink m a bad fren.=[



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

a little correction

hmmm. it's better not to read my blog if u dun understand me n wut ive gone thru all my life.
i dun write for readers. i write for me, my satisfaction, my understanding, and my hope.
i dun judge people, i noe the person i wrote about. i didnt even said the person is sinful, coz it's not my authority to judge whether the person is sinful or not. i just want others to tink. not to make assumptions. i want ppl to understand. not to misunderstand. but y shud i bother thinking about ppl's assumption? coz u dun even hv any right to judge my writing , my thinking, n myself as a sin coz u r not HIM. it was, n never will be between me n u, it's between me n Allah swt. so, syuh2.i dun need such reader. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009


i was hormonal few days back..which is normal for every woman i guess. hope ppl won't assume anything bout something that made me sad. im ok. im over it.yes i loved him. but the hatred overweigh the love which equal love at all. m just weird at that tym y ppl support such buaya like him. im not anyone to say this this, but i really tink that he doesnt deserve a good girl.not until..he realize what love is.he is so much like an immature litte cn ppl not see this? pls b more observant people!
errkk.umm.sorry if i over react or emotional.

what if..a person tinks he's enuff of what he is? looking for someone who can accept him as he is..? what a person wud say good+bad=im equal(balance).oh please la sedar..m so risau bout the adeks.hope Allah swt will protect her.

**********************************************'s tuition free's so many tym to tink bout the unimportant stuff.huhuh..things i write doesnt bother me as much as things i cant write...i cnt write y m so so happy!..tho i noe this won't last.but at least, i hv a reason to smile.=]


Monday, April 6, 2009

y depend on people?

not everyone realize..yet understands the real meaning of being a muslim. To search for the truth is always my passion. seeking for the reason why..n why..people these days(including me)..become so cruel to themselves. (zalim = tidak meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya)

some people tink that happiness is the destiny of life? is it true?..hmm..different people hv different view of happiness...
-those who doesnt hv gf tink they'll be happy if they hv one.
-those who've done lots of sins tink they'll be happy if they havent did thos sins.
- those who dun hv much money tink they'll be happy if they r rich

n lots n lots more..we never feel enuff of having wut Allah swt had given us.people r always like that...why?

alone..lonely..n loneliness...why r we always need someone to fill in the emptiness...?we do we need someone to help us n solve our problems..why we never gv up on jumping from one to another..just to find the temporary happiness? why go far..if we cn just sit n pray for everything that we from Him the one who never betray u n loves u no matter what.

why keep on doing mistakes when u noe it's not right..why dun have a moment..flash back on wut uve done..regret.n improve.not easy it cn be done.why stay on that track...u r the reason for any change in ur life. not other people. why depends on people to change ursev? one had told me that he needs someone better to change him..huu..i observed him..n always noe..he'll nvr change..never learn..if the will doesnt come from his deepest heart.

lets tadabur these verse n tink. this verse is also good for rizk.
Al-Imran (26-27)

قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِي الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاء وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاء وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاء وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاء بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿

Say, `O Allâh! the Lord of all power, You grant power to whomsoever You will and take away power from whomsoever You please, and confer honour and dignity on whomsoever You will and disgrace whomsoever You will. All good lies in Your hand. Verily, You are the Possessor of full power to do all You will, (3 : 26)

تُولِجُ اللَّيْلَ فِي الْنَّهَارِ وَتُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِي اللَّيْلِ وَتُخْرِجُ الْحَيَّ مِنَ الْمَيِّتِ وَتُخْرِجُ الَمَيَّتَ مِنَ الْحَيِّ وَتَرْزُقُ مَن تَشَاء بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ ﴿٢٧

You cause the night to merge into the day and cause the day to merge into the night, and bring forth the living from the dead and bring forth the dead from the living, and provide (all sorts of provisions) to whomsoever You will without measure.' (3: 27 )
something to share:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

the Birth daY.=]


she was born on 25th March 1988 at 11.36 pm in University Hospital,KL.
the last child in the family.cute (mase baby la).=p

huhuhuhu.cant believe thats me! y am i so x comel skrg.down.=[

hmm...firstly thnx to everyone who wish me on 
my bday. tq so 
much. hee..feel so happy that day.
though there's no more suprise bday party or any prank for me. i still feel so hepy n appreciated.
special thanx to tc, asha, jay n mus, n dear peeya.hhuhu..these people gv me special wishes.

thanx to the parents as well...deliver me n t8 gud care of me until today.=]. n sisters who wish me after abah remind them.hehhe.=p

many people wish me ' hope jmpe jodoh yg baik n kawin cepat'.huhu.amINNN.

there's one wish from this one person..i was deeply touched. thnx dear fren, cant believe u wish me.=]

okey..thats 21 now.getting older n wiser..perhaps.heeeeeee...but tc said im even more immature after my bday.sudahlaaa kau tc.wek.=p

Sunday, March 22, 2009

the life

hope everyone enjoy the family day+welcoming gath+special general meeting held this morning.
as for me, i tink m very messy handling the registeration counter. sorry to everyone.=[
i'll improve mysev.=p
it was fun...huhuhuhu..the fear factor cuisine was crazy...haha.i dunno how can others swallow everything in. 
am i having fun? yes. looking fwd the next event! gala nyte~.

rahsia hati. sofea dedicate me this song. i loike it.
mmm...the lyrics r meaningful kan.
...decide not to tink too much about the unimportant...gud luck syarifah.!


the spirit is getting stronger...dear raudhatus sakinah's..gud luck.!

' cast away all discouraging thoughts that make u feel helpless, and focus on success, then u will never fail'


clasmates....we r goin to be busy this week.get ready!!!!
hope that Allah swt will gv me the bless of time so that i can finish all the given task by the due date.insyaAllah.


pray that everything goes right. but if it isn't, i always noe where to turn to.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


huuu...da abes assignment due for this week.lega nak mati..

mm..PDC lost all games. but 2 games was gud.only the first one i felt so stupid.
the position was wrong. sorry coach. but this is true. we've been playing for almost 2 years..only the 1st sem syah help us.huhu..the other sems..we r on our own kn..remember?

so..i tink it's better to decide oursev..who cn play which position.'s just ok..everyhting was least no injuries. n thanx to coach jgk..for supporting us. SITH was very always..=]
oh..gud luck 4 tomorrow people!

Friday, March 13, 2009

hatiku tidak salamah..

aku punya cinta yg saaangat byk.
tapi hatiku tidak salamah?
aku saangat ingin menjadi seorg yg salim.
punya hati yg salamah. 
aku terlaaalu menyayangi sehingga membuatkan aku benci.
tp aku tidak begitu kejam utk berdendam.
aku ingin sekali difahami

aku da tade idea..nnti nk tnye sifu asha.

aku dah terinfluence dgn wordings aishahwho. aku x suke berbahasa sbnrnye.hakhakhak
nk wat tag album aku full ngn gmbr2 buruk ku. tidak secomel gmbr liyana.=[

oh..hepy bday mau!..seronok tgk mau digari....n berbau busok..penangan telur basi..wekk.aku pn termuntah td.

aku tidak ke daurah.bkn kerana aku x mahu ke daurah. tp aku x mampu.this week aku sgt byk bermain juge byk ke aktiviti agama juge byk assignment. aku rs sgt penat tp aku xthn nk main futsal n 'rugbi sentuhan'.salah ke? mm..da byk ari aku x dpt nikmat mkn. tp aku mkn. tp..tapela..Allah syg org yg lapar kn..yg sedih..

oh..aku miss parents aku. aku mungkin anak plg sensitip.everytime kol mak musti berlinang air mata..walopon tgh gembire.haih.pelik jgk aku nih. 
mmm...nnti ade field trip..gune duit sniri?uni apekah ini..aku pn x phm asal uni x cover cost field trip. kenelaaaa mnx ngn abah lg..nnti akak2 ckp aku suke mengahbiskan duit mak abah..walopon betul..aku tadela teruk sgt sbnrnye..aku ni jimat jgk orgnye.=p

sebenarnye..aku blum siap sedi..hsemate aku pn pelik dgn keadaan aku yg ala2 rilex tp cuak sbb x siap kije lg..dorg da jauhhhhhh tinggal tape..insyaAllah siap.

moge2 masatoshi x strict sgt bg mark...aminnn.

Monday, March 9, 2009

hoPes n dreaMs.

firstly, sorry if the title hv nothing to do wit the content.=p

last week was hectic.lucky me i didn't go to Bekenu. heard it was fun..but..i dun feel regret
 either.huhu.see la..if next tym ade lg..n im free..then..i'll go.=]

there r loads of assignmentss..n loads of study materials..which i dun hv enuff tym to go thru all of them. but i'll try.

yesterday was asha bday but she's not ere.m so lookin fwd to see her tomorrow.! today is islah's bday..but m not one of the prank-er.huu.

yesterday, i went to Peryatim..spent some times wit the orphans playing badminton n 'kaki tiga' n borak2.huhu..i met this one girl..form 1..she's so excited meeting kakak2. i borak2 wit her...she told me she loves reading..she finished reading 'limpahan darah di sungai semur'. literature novel, from 1. i still remember ive never read any of malay literature novel. i only read the
 summary during exam week. huu..m so shock that this girl finished reading the book in just a few days. i went home after maghrib, n she sempat ask me to come again n bring her books n teach her english. hmm..m so touch by her, before went back, me, k.ada, k.jam, n mirah stop at the bookstore to buy sum stuff n did bought her two story books.murah but i hope she's hepy.!=p

im reading a very interesting book ryt now.
title: YOU CAN BE THE HAPPIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD.a treasur chest of reminder.
auhtor: Dr 'A'id al -Qarni.

a motivational book..full of great quotation n a perfect company for a woman.=].it's from the surau..err..sorry circuit.

mm..m sorry for wutever i did that hurt anybody.we r still fren, we'll always be.

'Be content with that which Allah has decreed for you, and you will be the richest of people.'

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

syarifah is not yet ready

i accidentally miss the first class...mineralogy...m kind of sad coz nobody kejut me. not many people noe my other num so..those who noe also didnt kejut me. huhu.but nvr mind n my hsemate didnt even prepare for the class as we tot there's no lab for this week.

haih..luckily there r toooo many people in my class to fit in the naga x perasan sgtla those who takde..kot.=p

btw, i dun noe when can i write new post..jadual klas x fix lg..n aplus pn da nk start meeting..n my usrah oso already got plan for the whole sem.

umm..i miss la..the few moments last week.hmm.

later k..tata

Monday, February 16, 2009

masihkah kau ingat..

hmm..rasenye blom terlambat nk wish hepi new year..=p

my compaq laptop osak last, i bought a new dell.
tp luckily aku smpt burn gmbr2 dlm cd. gmbr2 since mule2 dtg miri..2006-2007. sgt byk. masetu...byk men futsal pn amek gmbr.skng jarang r..just bile ade ape2 event je amek kwn2? neh..nk amek gmbr member pon pk dlu..'ape kes aku nk amek pic mamat/minah die..membazir space jekk..'=p aku pn tgkla gmbr2 lame..1st tym tgk after 1 year hepi sgt tgk gmbr tu..sbb sumenye hepi belaka..leh imagine situation at dat tym.never will i forget..fresh faces..happily smiling..rse riang gembire tibe2 hati yg lara neh..cewah.

tulah gunenye gmbr..flash back bittersweet memories. after all...for the bitter part,aku x regret..apepon yg pernah terjadi..dats wut made me a better person.for the sweeeet so hepy to remember those moments..huhu...frankly..aku xpnh rase enjoy gile cm kt miri nih exspecially 1st year kt sane r..even zaman high skol aku pon x sebest cmni org lain mybe zaman skolah best gile bg aku aku kt miri r yg plg best pon..kt skolah dulu best byk tension..sbb kwn2 la..sbb stdy yg turun naik..depressed gile bile pointer jatuh kt miri aku rs best cm nk nangis.hahaha..over la plak kn..

maybe sbb tym foundation dulu rilex pon ala2 xnk stdy je..(aku jela kot) aktiviti paper pon layan je..x pk sgt pon psl hw ke exam ke..janji pass sudah..lgpon sume subjek2 yg da blaja upper form dulu result aku x gempak aku x pnh sedeyh pn result aku x gempak..nape eh..pelik ni.. skrg..bile da msk degree..msg2 da bwat hal msg2..sibuk ngn stdy n between us..lately became weaker..tol ke tak assumption a.k.a ape yg aku rase r..mybe sbb byk konflik..?or..kite da semakin dewasa?
hmm..apepon..sebagai seorg yg penyayang..aku nk confess sket kt sini yg..aku mmg syg kwn2/klasmate aku...xtau r pesal..sebagaimana yg penah aku ckp kt STE dulu..aku syg sgt korg..=p.nape ye..adekah korg baik sgt?best sgt ke korg?korg comel?hmm..bukan bersebab....x kesahla korg cmne pon....

i'll upload sum of the pics nnti yeh..daa..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 things about me!..=]

25  things about me!..=]

1. im a sensitive..soft-hearted person.i love my fren easily..but it's kind of hard for me to trust   someone.

2. i love babies..was planning to hv one by final mybe x dpt kot.=[

3. i enjoy outdoor activities

4. i listen to almost anything..but i prefer..jazz..n  country songs..

5. im single.=]

6. the next guy in my life is my hubby.

7. im the last child in the not really manje..but im very close to the parents and siblings.

8. i found new hobby..sewing..(just like my mother). already made a baju kurung n a blouse.=]

9. i enjoy cooking n cleaning the house..especially when i got problems..

10. i wud like to befriend with my ex which i found hard n a bit weird.n sumtyms his eyes seems like juling when talking to me.=D

11. im suFFering frm migrain..i cnt bare too hot /too cold...stress..

12. i dun really like facebook.

13. my sister accidently broke my left leg when i was big deal..i cn still sprint 100m.=p

14. i miss my bebe( a bear given by sumone) damn sorry..i hd to giv u away..=~[

15. happiest moment..had become my worst memories..i just wnt to erase them all if i cud..=[

16. im a pesimist sumtimes..but i always try to b an optimist.

17. i don't like staying at home..n sleeping all day.

18. im a very observant kind of person. 

19. i hv to attend usrah every week...or else..i'll mess up.

20. my dream is to hv a simple lyf..wit a great hubby and beautiful kids!

21. i love nescafe..but ive to cut it off..cause it will cause me migrain.

22. i eat a lot when there r sambals. but i cnt take much of it as i hv sinus.

23. i'll become crazy in 5720 wit housemate..nobody will ever imagine how crazy i cn be..huhu

24. i stay at home wit only mak n abah..oh..not to forget, old,alone,cnt stop meow-ing, manje     cat of my kazen which my family need to take care of.

25. when given any task,i dont talk much. i only speak out when i tink i really need to. i dun lyk to argue wit bossy people. so, better shut up n do things on my own. was so seronok taking sumtyms thinking about myself.huhu.
mm..frens tag me on facebook.but i just dont feel like posting anything on facebook.sowi eh.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It was never between you and them!

i feel bad lately..=[.byk sgt lintasan hati yg x baik towards other ppl.huu..istighfar byk2 syarifah!=p

this wordings help me a bit.=]


People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, there may be jealousy;
Be happy anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.


Allah did not promise that the way would be easy..But He did promise that..He would be with u in every single step of ur long as u want Him to.=]