Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 things about me!..=]

25  things about me!..=]

1. im a sensitive..soft-hearted person.i love my fren easily..but it's kind of hard for me to trust   someone.

2. i love babies..was planning to hv one by final mybe x dpt kot.=[

3. i enjoy outdoor activities

4. i listen to almost anything..but i prefer..jazz..n  country songs..

5. im single.=]

6. the next guy in my life is my hubby.

7. im the last child in the not really manje..but im very close to the parents and siblings.

8. i found new hobby..sewing..(just like my mother). already made a baju kurung n a blouse.=]

9. i enjoy cooking n cleaning the house..especially when i got problems..

10. i wud like to befriend with my ex which i found hard n a bit weird.n sumtyms his eyes seems like juling when talking to me.=D

11. im suFFering frm migrain..i cnt bare too hot /too cold...stress..

12. i dun really like facebook.

13. my sister accidently broke my left leg when i was big deal..i cn still sprint 100m.=p

14. i miss my bebe( a bear given by sumone) damn sorry..i hd to giv u away..=~[

15. happiest moment..had become my worst memories..i just wnt to erase them all if i cud..=[

16. im a pesimist sumtimes..but i always try to b an optimist.

17. i don't like staying at home..n sleeping all day.

18. im a very observant kind of person. 

19. i hv to attend usrah every week...or else..i'll mess up.

20. my dream is to hv a simple lyf..wit a great hubby and beautiful kids!

21. i love nescafe..but ive to cut it off..cause it will cause me migrain.

22. i eat a lot when there r sambals. but i cnt take much of it as i hv sinus.

23. i'll become crazy in 5720 wit housemate..nobody will ever imagine how crazy i cn be..huhu

24. i stay at home wit only mak n abah..oh..not to forget, old,alone,cnt stop meow-ing, manje     cat of my kazen which my family need to take care of.

25. when given any task,i dont talk much. i only speak out when i tink i really need to. i dun lyk to argue wit bossy people. so, better shut up n do things on my own. was so seronok taking sumtyms thinking about myself.huhu.
mm..frens tag me on facebook.but i just dont feel like posting anything on facebook.sowi eh.


  1. ingat x ske penat:P...bagus kalau kenal diri sendiri kan

  2. amer jugak 1st org yg comment =P


    nice to know things abt u babe =)

  3. alalala..shweetnye..most of it are true dear...sum2 tu..kamik xsure..hehe!!

  4. emmm..nampaknyer maksu ain x sabar nak ber'hubby' and ber'baby' yer..emmm nak baby by the time final year???tok bagi ker??siblings???emm...kene tunjuk proposal dulu neh....calon kene dapat approval by all kakak baru bole lepas okeh.

    now single yaaa????amin......

  5. syep!!
    ko jahit baju kurung? thats awesome!.
    I wanna learn sewing gak. I wana sew my on clothes. :P

  6. peeya: hehehehehehe.=p

    naddiea: huhuhu.maksuain single la mama teh dun worry.

    lyanne37: baju kurung sekolah ank sedare aku.hehe.ssh gkla..kene rajin practice.aku mls sket.

  7. haha. asha pun menjahit jg cuti neh. siap satu jubah. jahit pakai tangan je. huhu.

  8. syepah pn nk wat jubah..da beli x smpt nk jahit.lgpon mak ckp susah nk wat yg cm mekah nye tuh.=p.btw, congrat asha!hehe
