Tuesday, February 24, 2009

syarifah is not yet ready

i accidentally miss the first class...mineralogy...m kind of sad coz nobody kejut me. not many people noe my other num so..those who noe also didnt kejut me. huhu.but nvr mind lor..me n my hsemate didnt even prepare for the class as we tot there's no lab for this week.

haih..luckily there r toooo many people in my class to fit in the lab..so..mr naga x perasan sgtla those who takde..kot.=p

btw, i dun noe when can i write new post..jadual klas x fix lg..n aplus pn da nk start meeting..n my usrah oso already got plan for the whole sem.

umm..i miss la..the few moments last week.hmm.

later k..tata


  1. the few moments last week? nape?hehehe. sibuk je aku neh

  2. haaa. ponteng je kje. haih

    btw, kak aisyah, last few weeks tu time dia..... ade la

  3. haih..mandai je sibat neh.huhu
    tula..aku nk pencen r dr kije2 tu.

  4. edhaha. miss class lagi. first class + first day + first sem of 2nd Year. Hahaha.

    xpe2, nnt jangan miss class lagi ok cik syarifah. :)
