Monday, March 9, 2009

hoPes n dreaMs.

firstly, sorry if the title hv nothing to do wit the content.=p

last week was hectic.lucky me i didn't go to Bekenu. heard it was fun..but..i dun feel regret
 either.huhu.see la..if next tym ade lg..n im free..then..i'll go.=]

there r loads of assignmentss..n loads of study materials..which i dun hv enuff tym to go thru all of them. but i'll try.

yesterday was asha bday but she's not ere.m so lookin fwd to see her tomorrow.! today is islah's bday..but m not one of the prank-er.huu.

yesterday, i went to Peryatim..spent some times wit the orphans playing badminton n 'kaki tiga' n borak2.huhu..i met this one girl..form 1..she's so excited meeting kakak2. i borak2 wit her...she told me she loves reading..she finished reading 'limpahan darah di sungai semur'. literature novel, from 1. i still remember ive never read any of malay literature novel. i only read the
 summary during exam week. huu..m so shock that this girl finished reading the book in just a few days. i went home after maghrib, n she sempat ask me to come again n bring her books n teach her english. hmm..m so touch by her, before went back, me, k.ada, k.jam, n mirah stop at the bookstore to buy sum stuff n did bought her two story books.murah but i hope she's hepy.!=p

im reading a very interesting book ryt now.
title: YOU CAN BE THE HAPPIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD.a treasur chest of reminder.
auhtor: Dr 'A'id al -Qarni.

a motivational book..full of great quotation n a perfect company for a woman.=].it's from the surau..err..sorry circuit.

mm..m sorry for wutever i did that hurt anybody.we r still fren, we'll always be.

'Be content with that which Allah has decreed for you, and you will be the richest of people.'


  1. keep it up ur good effort..may Allah bless you :)

  2. hmm. i can read books. 2 page je, dah tdo. semua jenis buku ok.

    err. komik boleh. haha.

  3. seronoknye asha syepah x sbr nk jumpe asha
    (muka syok)
    i missed the peryatim visit
    it's ok it's ok, i'll make sure i wont miss out nx time
    btw, belikan buku untuk asha
