Sunday, May 10, 2009

end sem busynesss.. sister need my it's kind of forcing me to write a new post here.mmm.ok

~ final exam is too near..practical exams n assignments are too much ryte now. i dunno when can i stdy..

~ but i still can find tym to play badminton..Sayyaf ask me to b his partner for mix double..n m quite i said yes!  we lose but not too bad lah..this is my first tournament after several years..n m very nervous.
thnx to sayyaf for being a patient coach n sory i didnt perform very well.=p

~ m trying to finish a book..title 'don't cry'.a very good book for muslim teenagers..written Fadlan Al-Ikhwani..which was a teenager when he wrote this book. it's in indonesian accent so i dun really understand the words but still cn get the point.


i follow this blog Laman Seri Maya Persada the writer provides useful thoughts n guide..muslim way of life.

lots of dramas happening around me..this tym, m not the actress.alhamdulillah.hehehheeh.

typical title for all dramas r 'love'. a very common topic for teenagers. most ppl at this age act like they r so desperately need someone as ttm(teman tp mesra) or boyfriend or girlfriend..i was one of them. but now i tink m wiser..i dun need such relationship..i dunno y..i kind of get used with my single life..but i dun even feel bored or content with many things.err..

i just wanna say's human nature to fall in's never wrong to fall in love. but islam frame love with marriage..which is the best way to enjoy the love feeling as u love because of Allah swt..not because of lust. 

it's sad to not being able to make people understand yet have the strength to think n decide. it's too sad to see someone u love practicing the wrong way..

but that's life. we can't force people to follow our way. we can only pray for the best.
mm..m tinking of writing sumthing mybe later...after submit sedi logging assignment.~


  1. ohh maksu ein buzy rupenyer.patutla blog x berupdate.anyway,stady rajin2 taw.nk main badminton boleh tp jangan pulak bila badan letih study pun malas kay.see u after the exam.Good luck!

  2. love is a part of nature.

    takyah bcintalah syep. jom kawen teros. hahaha.


  3. hheheheehe.jom kawin. weekend nih ade kursus nikah kt cmpus!

  4. ko pi x kursus kawin syep...
    ak pun raser nak pi lg nie..

  5. Cik Pah dah mau pergi kursus kahwin. wah, sudah ada calon rupanya.

    Bz jer sampai takde masa nak update blog. jgn lah camtu sis, aku ni ibarat semut yg bersiar-siar di dalam cawan berisi sirap merah sambil bawak gula sebutir. boring cari jalan keluar, tiba2 tuannya dlm nak minum, lalu jatuh ar aku di dalam air. diteguk minuman. berenang di dalam rongga kerongkong. terus ke perut. pastu, apa jadi lepas tu, pk ar sendiri.


    stress buat assignment. tak salahkan "lepaskan" disini?

  6. err ..
    monyet: aku rs ko pg la skali lg.hehehehe.ok per.

    grand piss: nmpknye ko sgt stressssss.btw ade aku kate ade calon?

  7. i admire you! =) i have a lot to say but it just doesnt sum up in words. =) take care dear.

  8. mea dear.dun admire me.hahahaha. long tym not seeing u..last tym saw u watching Kelkatu fc bt x smpt nk lepak ba..da lmbt.;]
